Privacy Policy

Students, Agents, Homestay Families & Job Applicants.


This privacy code was developed for the protection of the Personal information of the clients and associates of Cypress Accommodations.
This code is based on the requirements of the British Columbia Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and the Canadian Standards Associations’ Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information which was incorporated into the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

SECTION A: Accountability

Cypress Accommodations is committed to the protection of the personal information and its possession, which has been entrusted to it by clients.

ECTION B: Purpose of collecting Personal Information

Cypress Accommodations collects personal information for the following reasons

  • To provide Educational and ancillary services including all aspects of the homestay or any type of accommodation services to its students in keeping with their needs and the offerings available.
  • To meet regulatory requirements
  • To be able to identify students correctly.
  • To provide security for students and staff
  • To provide services to agents and schools both locally and overseas.
  • Cypress Accommodations may collect personal information about students from students themselves or from the Education Agents or Schools through which the student has registered at Cypress Accommodations.
  • Personal information collected from host families are used for the purpose of matching a student with a family that best matches the student’s profile.
  • If the students do not wish to provide Cypress Accommodations with their personal information, they must so advise their Agents or Schools directly.
  • To recruit candidates for job openings available in our company.

SECTION C: Consent

Cypress Accommodations will always obtain consent before collecting personal information. Consent may be implied as when a Client fill in an application form. Cypress Accommodations does not release personal information to third parties without the express consent of the owner of the information.

A Client may withdraw consent to the collection or disclosure of personal information. Should consent to collection be withdrawn, the ability of Cypress Accommodations to provide educational or other services may be affected. Cypress Accommodations will advise the Client as to the consequences of withdrawal of consent.

SECTION D: Limits for use, disclosure and keeping personal information

According to law, Cypress Accommodations must retain student personal information according to the requirements of the legislative or regulatory regime under which the company operated. Cypress Accommodations will retain Agent and Homestay family Information for a period of seven (7) years following the date of the last use.

SECTION E: Accuracy

Cypress Accommodations will make reasonable efforts to ensure that any personal information used to make decisions about a Client and its hosts is complete, accurate and up to date.

SECTION F: Safeguards

Cypress Accommodations will endeavour to keep any personal information safe and guard against unauthorized access whether stored physically or electronically.

Cypress will disclose upon written request from the client or associate an explanation of how their information is being used.

If a Client makes a request in writing for access to his or her personal information, Cypress Accommodations has the right to charge reasonable expenses incurred in complying with the request.

If after reviewing personal information following such a request, a student, host or employee wishes to correct erroneous information that request shall also be made in writing along with any documentation to support the correction sought.

If the information cannot be corrected as requested, then Cypress Accommodations will provide an explanation in writing as to the reason that the information cannot be corrected.

SECTION G: Contacting Cypress Accommodations

Cypress Accommodations take responsibility for the management and confidentiality of the personal information it collects through its website. By providing this privacy statement, we are committed to continue to protect the information you give us. If there are any concerns about Cypress Accommodations’ information-handling process and practices, please contact us at and your concerns will be addressed promptly.


  • “Cypress Accommodations“ means the company intermediating placement and performing recruitment services
  • “Clients“ means any or all of our Students, Agents, or any institution that contracts our services
  • “Hosts” means individuals who host or apply to accommodate students in their own property.
  • “ Job Applicants” means individuals who submit their resumes, cover letter and/or fill out our Career form in the site
  • “Collection” means the act of gathering, acquiring or obtaining personal information from any source, including third parties.
  • “Consent“ means the voluntary agreement with what is being done or proposed. Consent may be either implied or express, express consent may be given verbally or in writing and does not require any assumptions on the part of the recipient. Implied consent is based on the actions of the individuals. For example, if a student or hosts fills out a Cypress Accommodations form with personal information, then implied consent is given for Cypress to use this information for the purposes stated on the form.
  • “Personal Information“ means information about an identifiable personal in any form, excluding business contact information. Examples of personal information that Cypress Accommodations may collect include (but are not limited to): Name, Address, Email Address, Age, Gender, medical information and homestay preferences.
  • “Third Party“ means any individual or legal entity other than Cypress Accommodations and the Client.